Company profile

About us

Temafoods is a leading company in food products since 2015 and we started production in the production line of Tema Foods with Sauces, Jam, Tamara,

Company Vision

TemaFoods is a leading company in the food industry in Egypt specializing in the production of Sauces and Jams. Temafoods has a complete production and processing line for food manufacturing. It is an example of the latest manufacturing, packaging and packaging technology. Product, cleanliness and quality, using the latest technologies and equipment fully insured in the 6th of October City industrial zone. Temafoodstricts sanitation programs and safety of food and hands to ensure the maximum safety of the product, cleanliness and quality intensive production line in all produced by the Sauce and jams of all kinds .Temafoods is keen to manufacture new products constantly conform to the standards of product integrity.Temafoodshas  developed the most advanced technology in the hands of the best professionals in the industry and thus provide unshakeable commitment to the safety of products and mission is to provide the highest quality specifications for the consumer to satisfy all tastes.



1 - The interest of the company in the quality of products in order to achieve consumer satisfaction

2 –Temafoods is proud to provide the finest food industries of sauce and jam for the Egyptian and Gulf markets

3. Provide post-service to measure market needs and measure consumer satisfaction

4 - Temafoods is one of the leading companies in the Egyptian market

5-Preserving the level of production and quality through experts in the food industry and a professional production team are keen to produce the best and finest quality of sauce and jam


contact us

Address: 6th Of October City - 6th Industrial Zone - Ard El Tayeb Square - Plot 7/3

T: 38243240/02 - 38243241/02

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